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Why Fish Oil is a must for dogs?

If you have dogs, maintaining their good health should be your primary goal. You want to feed them with the best food you can find in pet stores, but sometimes that is not enough.

Fish oil is one of the most commonly used supplements, but what is fish oil for dogs? 

What benefits does fish oil have for your dog? 

Are there side effects? 

These are a few of the questions that will come across your mind as a pet owner and we answer them all here.

What is Fish Oil for Dogs?

Fish oil is an extract from the adipose tissues of the fish. The oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and docosahexaenoic acid.

Experts claim that fish oil improves the intelligence of your canine friend. Also, it’s a form of medication as it prevents body inflammation.

The EPA and DHA compounds in Omega-3 fats are available in a limited amount in dogs. Adding these elements into your dog’s body helps to improve its health, and gives it a healthy skin.

How does Fish Oil Work

In all animals, human beings included, the EPA and DHA compounds form an integral part of the cell membrane. These fatty acids bring signals to a cell membrane, which stimulates a decrease in inflammation. Decreased inflammation reduces the pain, swelling, and redness of the skin and other body organs.

The DHA component is also essential as it stimulates the growth of the neurons. To do this, DHA affects the permeability of the body cells and thus affects the growth of the cells. Since young puppies are continually and actively growing, feeding them with fish oil will be an ideal idea for quickened growth.

Benefits of Using Fish Oil for Dogs

There are a lot of benefits that come along with the use of fish oil supplements for your dog. 

Some of them include;


As said earlier, omega-3 fatty acids contain the DHA compound that works as an anti-inflammatory agent. DHA helps to deal with any condition that can facilitate heart, skin, kidney, and joint inflammation. Such conditions include arthritis. It also helps to fight some of the dangerous allergenic conditions. That reduces the chances of your pet developing allergic yellow spots.

Improved Brain and Eyesight

The DHA compound also helps in the growth of the dogs’ brain and improves eyesight. For this reason, experts advise that you consider feeding your pregnant dog with fish oil as it helps to improve brain growth for the unborn puppies.

Dog healthy Skin

The fish oil contains fats that help to keep your dog’s skin healthy, shiny, and keeps it off shedding. It also helps your pet develop a glistering dog coat.

Also, the oil is ideal in promoting the stamina of your dog. Balance is essential, especially when dog training for different activities. Fish oil is one of the supplements that will help you improve your dog’s stability.

Moist skin

A dry skin is irritating and creates an itching condition for your dog. That makes the pet appear uncomfortable and keeps on scrubbing its skin against walls and rough surfaces. That results in the shedding of the skin. You can consider improving on this using the fish oil as it keeps the dog’s skin moist.

Improved Immunity

Keeping your dog healthy prevents the spread of diseases from animals to family members. Using fish oil supplements reduces the risk of your dog suffering from illnesses as it improves its immunity. It also keeps it ready to fight infections.

Improved Appetite

You can also consider using fish oil to enhance the appetite of your dog. That is so as most dog breeds love the attractive aroma of a fish-made meal.

These are among the few certain benefits of feeding your dog with fish oil supplements. Researchers are still seeking evidence of the following possible advantages resulting from the use of fish oil for dogs;

Reduced Cancer growth

Researchers claim that fish oil helps to reduce the rate of cancer growth. As such, veterinarians recommend that if your dog has cancer, you consider using the supplement for its care.

Other researchers claim that the use of fish oil helps to reduce the joints discomfort. As such, it helps to keep your dog from feeling more tired quickly.

There are claims that the supplements do also help to renew the dog’s energy, and

Lastly, it keeps the dog’s blood triglycerides regulated.

These are among the proposed health benefits of using fish oil supplements for nurturing your dog. We, however, note that more research is necessary to ensure that they are facts. The long list is a sign of how great the supplement can be when added to your pet’s diet.

How to feed the Dog with Fish Oil

From the stores, you can buy the supplement in forms of capsules, liquids or chewable treats. 

9 out of 10 dog owners claim that the best way is by using Pupex Supplements, as dogs accept it easier, without having to accept any nasty pills. 

Most Pupex supplements consist of Fish Oil, as it is one of the most beneficial extracts for dogs. 

The best way to give the powder to your buddy is by mixing it with the dog’s food. It’s also advisable that you consider checking on the oil dosage.

Customer’s Reviews

If you wish to buy the best fish oil supplement for dogs in the market, check other customer’s reviews. Their reviews are usually reliable and helpful to all potential buyers.

Fish Oil Storage

It’s recommended to store fish oil away from direct sunlight and heat. Also, avoid keeping the bottle open to prevent exposure to air as oxidation may have adverse results in your dog’s health. As such, experts recommend that you buy supplements that are in dark color bottles.

One way you can tell that you exposed the oil to sunlight and oxidation is the bad odor. If you notice this, you should throw it away. For proper storage, veterinarians recommend that you store the fish oil in the refrigerator. 

Final Thoughts

Fish oil for dogs is an excellent way to keep your pet healthy, with added benefits to skin and coat, this has become a staple in many dog’s diets.